Carlos Falquez

Carlos Falquez

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Iris Pantle

Iris Pantle

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Balazs Pritz

Balazs Pritz

Get to know Balazs »

Our vision is to drive high class numerical methods in fluid dynamics and other forms of highly resolved numerical simulation to industrial standard and as such increase the validity of simulation as a whole. We throw in our academic expertise and are commited to combine it with the latest developments in computer science in order to provide high performance computing and highly resolving simulation methods where these are necessary: when it is required to understand the details within systems and devices which one would never see nor understand through standard experiments.

Our mission is to simplify the access to high performance simulation for the industry and our customers so that they receive the best benefit out of it and gain absolutely new insight in their products and devices. As spin-off from KIT, we give access to one of KIT's simulation codes for Computational Fluid Dynamics and Aero-Acoustics licensed to us. We are entitled to develop it further in order to meet specific needs of our customers.

The inventors of NUBERISIM and founders of the Falquez, Pantle and Pritz GbR show a record of more than 10 years of experience in numerical method development and have significantly contributed to the software through the last decade. Further information on the founders, their background, their professional activities and the ongoing project will you find here.

In order to found our company, we received a lot of support from numerous people and organisations. We cordially say thank you to all of these, particularly to our families and to coaches and advisors from KIT, DHBW and TEFAK. For our latest steps we received funding through the EXIST-Gründerstipendium, provided by the following organisations:


Dipl.-Phys. Carlos Falquez

Studied physics at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT) and experteered in numerics, computer and cluster architecture for high performance computing. He is our true expert in anything related to Cloud, clusters, parallel setups and server interactions and manages our platform development.



Dr.-Ing. Iris Pantle

Studied phyiscs and did her PhD in mechanical engineering at the KIT's Institute of Fluid Machinery in the field of numerical method development for flow-induced noise prediction. Apart from spending some time for coding, she is our entrepreneurial back and the first address for our customers to talk to. Iris' professional background can be found here, her scientific one there or at ORCID iD
                                                             icon ORCID . Additionally, since 2009 she serves as lecturer at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg in Karlsruhe and as evaluator for European funding instruments in both research and business.

Dr.-Ing. Balazs Pritz

Studied mechanical engineering and did his PhD at the KIT's Institute of Fluid Machinery in the field of numerical method development for high performance computational fluid dynamics. He is our true scientific expert with the deepest understanding of methods and mechanisms in Computational Fluid Dynamics. Balazs' scientific background can be found here.
